Mental Health and Wellness Symposium - Saturday, March 8, 2025

District 204, in collaboration with five neighboring school districts, will hold the 3rd Annual Mental Health and Wellness Symposium on Saturday, March 8, 2025 at Metea Valley High School from 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM. The keynote will be presented by Doug Bolton, author, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, and Director of School Consultation for Formative Psychological Services. The symposium will include breakout sessions for students and adults, a community resource fair, a book fair, and childcare for ages 3-10. Adult attendees will receive a free copy of Doug Bolton's book - Untethered: Creating Connected Families, Schools, and Communities to Raise a Resilient Generation. The first 500 adult attendees will receive a welcome bag and the first 200 student attendees will receive a free t-shirt. New this year - experience sessions for adults and students and a complimentary boxed lunch for all attendees. For more information, visit or register for the symposium.


Logos of sponsors and partner districts for the event.
